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This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the daily inspiration you need in your life today so that you can get even faster results. These coaching videos are like having a 5-minute morning motivation message from me every day, as if I was sitting down at your kitchen table and inspiring you to take massive ACTION so that you get more done, make more money, have a BIG impact on the world, and still get home on time for dinner each night. If you want to 10X your results in life, you can't miss out on your morning motivation. Save 75% OFF the regular price and get complete access to your Daily Video Inspiration Coaching Sessions for only ($197) $37 today.

*The Perfect Day Formula retails for $19.95, but we bought it for you! We just ask that you pay your shipping / handling to receive it (just $9.95). Your information is secure and will not be shared.

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Perfect Day Kit PDF Book

Hi, I'm Craig Ballantyne and I'm so glad you made it to this special webpage!

For over 15 years I've had the wonderful opportunity to help busy and highly successful people like you get more done, make more money, and live fuller and happier lives.

After all those years I decided to put my life’s work into a new book called The Perfect Day Formula, and I actually want to give you a copy of this for free.

But before you request your free copy of my new book I want to explain what this book is all about... and more importantly what it is NOT about.

This book is not about time management or productivity, even though you'll become super productive and highly effective in your career or business.

This is not a "Make money quick book", but make no mistake about it, after reading and applying the simple tactics in this book you'll make more money with less effort and without the stress and frustration of working all the time.

In my new book The Perfect Day Formula you'll discover my proven systems to help you get a raise or grow your business, to get rich or get out of debt, to lose weight, improve your health or build better habits, and even to find the love of your life or the house of your dreams.

It all stems from my 5 Pillars of Success that will help you create a fool proof success structure designed to help you reach your goals.

Today my advice reaches over 350,000 fans in dozens of countries around the world each day, helping them achieve their big goals and dreams faster than ever.

You may even have read my advice in Men's Health, or Women’s Health magazine, or seen it on TV across America, Australia, Canada and even Russia.

So listen, if you’re currently struggling to finish your to-do list and get work done on time, I think I can help you fix the bottlenecks in your business and your life so that you can quickly and easily reach higher levels of success.

I bet you just haven’t been given the proven strategies you need to own your day and control your life.

But the answers to all of those problems are inside my new book and you can get it while we still have copies available for free... all I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and handling.

The Perfect Day Formula includes the exact success formula that I've taught my executive coaching clients to help them get stuff done and stop wasting time.

And I’m excited to take you through this process as well.

That's why I want to give you a copy today – absolutely free!

You pay $9.95 for shipping and handling and we’ll ship you out a copy today.

If you want to live the life of your dreams, get more done, and make more money, all without having to work harder or sacrifice time away from your family, then please request your free copy of The Perfect Day Formula today.

Since we only have a limited number of copies to give away, please only request one book per household.

To get your free copy of the Perfect Day Formula for free just click the button below and we'll get your book in the mail today!


Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


  • Joe Polish

    “The Perfect Day Formula system is awesome. I highly recommend this for other top achievers.”
    Joe Polish — The Genius Network

  • Dan Kennedy

    “Craig’s clever Formula is just cool. There is no digital substitute for it. The Formula is simple and solid, delivering structure for your business and life.”
    Dan Kennedy — The Millionaire Maker

  • Russell Brunson

    “The Perfect Day Formula is awesome. Now I get as much done in my 2-hour mornings as I typically do in an 8-hour day, and the rest of the day is just a bonus. I hope you try it. You’ll get 10 times more stuff done.”
    Russell Brunson — Entrepreneur